
In the midst of a song –
I’m gone
Gone to find the remnants within, blindness and boldness
Now seeping within.
I watch our sonnets unfold,
Your hand to my heart
My cheek to your chin
– Digging in
Your fingers do trace
The outline of seduction,
Boldly, with grace
I fall into your possession.

Copyright LC 2015

All that I am, is all that you are.  I wish upon a star and dream…of all that we seem to be, of all the things that rush along the waves – concave.  In the slender of your back, in the caress of your arm, in your hidden and wondrous charm – in the guile of your smile, in the warmth of your kisses – one day, I’ll be “Mrs.”

Copyright LC 2015

The shirt, with a scent of a woman
That could last a lifetime

The scent that takes you to a place,
You’ve never been before –

The scent you never want to go away or to be diluted
By the obstacles that, keep you apart

The scent from one hour of togetherness
That could heal the pain, of being apart

The shirt that will never be washed,
‘Til the scent is lying beside me.

Copyright (c) TM 2013

There once was a Queen who sat on a thrown
Though comfy and stable
She was always alone
Locked in her tower
Of loneliness and woe
She fretted and hurried
But kept everything afloat
No one could see what was buried inside her
Until along came a Knight
Who penetrated through her
He opened her heart and eyes to what their love stood for
An image of hope and light, crystal and pure
The Knight gently took her hand
And led her into his Castle
Which lay in his heart; awaiting her arrival
34 years before, their eyes met and did part
But their hearts remained woven
Never forgetting the spark…

Now as all good fairytales go
You know that Knight became her King
Ruling evermore over her heart
And they are as happy as can be

Copyright LC 2013

The only truth there is

Is this moment

No time stands before or behind,

No words come between,

There is only you and I.

Copyright © LC 2013

When the light falls, it falls on her

In whose rose-gilded chamber

A music strained through mind

Turns everything to measure.


The light that seeks her out

Finds answering light within,

And the two join hands and dance

On either side of her skin.


The lily and the swan

Attend her whiter pride,

While the courtly laurel kneels

To kiss his mantling bride.


Under each cherry-bough

She spreads her silken cloths

At the rumor of a wind,

To gather up her deaths,


For the petals of her heart

Are shaken in a night,

Whose ceremonial art

Is dying into light.

Split me open wide,

I can’t hide

The uncertainty,

In the gravity –
The cause and hesitation of what will be –

Let it fly,

From strong clenched hands, and stand

Wrong –

All on its own to breathe.

Evaporate in the air

With all the care, that

You’ve never shown for me.

Copyright © LC 2013


This song was written by Sting and covered by Jesse Cook with Holly Cole

I fill my days with emptiness

Of moments in between; below, above,

The thought of you.

No sense in trying to deny it –

It’s just no good.

You’ve stung me through and through.

Copyright © LC 2013

The feeling, of never wanting to part from you

Ties me to you

Like a tiny invisible thread

–          That if unraveled

Would consume my entire being.

Copyright © LC 2013